The BKI Difference
We have the middle school know-how
Middle school is a complex chapter in the student journey. As experienced middle school teachers with science-based knowledge, we’re versed in how to help students navigate each unique school year emotionally and intellectually. Our goal is to build a bridge that helps every child steadily and confidently transition from a nurturing elementary school setting to the demands of a high school environment.

We are for families who:
Care about the advancement of a child’s personhood as equally as their academic performance
Share our belief in equity and inclusion and recognize the importance of all kids rising together
Want to be brought along the learning journey every step of the way
We are for students who:
Thrive in high energy, intimate classrooms where they can partner and participate in group work
Love to learn through end-of-unit projects and connections to the real world
Are empathetic and believe in a world that celebrates us all
Our Results
100% of kids accepted into their top 3 choice high schools

100% of 2023 graduates passed the Living Environments & Algebra Regents

One of the most diverse private schools in NYC

High School Acceptances

Public Schools​
Academy Software Engineering
Art & Design School
Bedford Academy
​Boerum Hill
Brooklyn College Academy
Brooklyn Collegiate
Brooklyn High School of the Arts
Charter School of Wilmington
Christiana High School
Design Works
Edward R. Murrow
​Essex St. Academy
Frank Sinatra School of the Arts
Glasgow High School
High School for Environmental Studies
High School of Telecommunication Arts
Leon Goldstein
Manhattan Hunter Science
Manhattan Village Academy
Millenium Manhattan & Brooklyn
Newark High School
Newark Charter School
NYC iSchool
NYC Lab School​
NYC Museum School
Professional Performing Arts School
Richard R Green
​School of the Future
University Neighborhood
Urban Assembly NY Harbor School
Urban Assembly Maker Academy
Williamsburg High School
Parochial Schools​​
Bishop Loughlin
Christ the King
Cristo Ray (Brooklyn)
Dominican Academy
Grace Church
Holy Cross
LaSalleNazareth Regional
Nazareth Regional
Notre Dame
Saint Saviour
Saint Vincent Ferrer
St. John's Prep
Private Schools​
Bay Ridge Prep
Berkeley Carroll
Brooklyn Friends
Friends Seminary
Mary McDowell
Poly Prep
Specialized High Schools​
High School of American Studies
Brooklyn Latin
Brooklyn Tech